Friday, February 19, 2010

Bein Freemason isn't free

Freemasons get alot of harassment from others who aren't freemasons, namely christains, anti-masons, Nazi's, and to a lesser extent Neo-Nazi's (but they don't matter), Catholics, Muslims, The french hated on the Freemasons in the 1700's, some former communists. Freemasons have beeen blamed for conspiracies such as the one dollar bill, satan, and society, the last one might be true not sure though. Some of the most famous Freemasons in history are most, if not all, American presidents, and yes that means George Bush too, both of them. Although I'm unaware of their current activities as a secret organization they are probably thinking and concieving a new plot for wolrd domination, or world peace whichever they are for i support them either way due to the fact i always wanted to be apart of a conspiracy, and who knows they could already be in control but always remember that bein freemason isn't free cos you gotta go through alot initiations, or be president and that is why i am not a freeemason although i wish i was.

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