Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Creative Pursuit of Happiness

I used to think that numbers only went up to 10, you can imagine my surprise when i discovered the number 11 it blew my mind. I math surprisingly did not become easier but it did become funner because of the exciting disvovery, i learned it helped me learn about the alphabet easier because i finally made it past the letter J, and it was revolutionary when i turned 11 as it was a major turning point in my life, no im just kidding it was as normal as any other 11 year old life but it was significant because of the memory of me learning of the number 11. Yes if things could go back to when there only 10 numbers im sure life would be easier because i would only have to worry about ten things at a time, and i would score 10 out 10 on everything, not to mention i would be the richest person in the world each time i go t10 dollars, but it also could mean i would be ten forever which i also didnt know about its just like a sideways 8 or something like that, i tried counting to it once but i stopped at 70865 because i couldnt stay up any longer. Indeed as fun as it was to be ten 11 was so much more kick ass and i would never go back to ten after i learned that 11 was a higher and therefore better number than 10.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Road less traveled

I believe it is important that one finds a career choice that they are passionate about because it is imperative to be good at it because it could be something important such as brain surgery, defusing bombs, or assassin for hire, if any of these people were depressed or unmotivated the results could be dire. Another good example of someone who job relies on self motivation is my uncle if he was not able to get up in the morning to do his job we would not have some plants and animals in the Okanagan today as his job his to help preserve it, someone else who has an important career is my aunt as she is a librarian and archive something or other and all the students at the Enowkin center rely on her knowledge of where which books are, certain events or stories, and organization of the entire library so her own self motivation is key as well. Although unclear as to what I will do with my own career path, I have chosen Firefighter as a possible career choice and how i will get there is still unknown at the moment as i am unclear as to what training firefighters need aside from fire safety and common sense when it comes to fires. With the knowledge i gain in school though i hope to pursue a better career than that and rise above my own expectations, which i have as i usually set the bar low.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top this 3

In response to the demand of something top 3'ish, the topic chosen is my favourite 3 numbers the criteria being something personal about me.

1.4 because i have four letters in my name

2.1 becauase i am number one

3. 3 because it took me 3 minutes to type this up

with this i bring to a conclusion of my top 3 favourite numbers.

Friday, May 7, 2010

SuperPowers or something or other

If I could have any super power it would be the peak of human physical fitness which would grant me greater reaction time, strength sufficient enough to bench press 1100 pounds, enhanced metabolic functions to prevent the build up of fatigue poisons in my muscles, the ability to run a mile under a minute, make my immune system resistant to any and all disease. Reasons for choosing this is because i could not decide on an actual superhuman trait so instead i decided that it would be better if i was a perfect speciman of humans and therefore not superhuman.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Captains Log

Pure insanity, ludicrous i told them, but when i turned on the TV it was right there in front of me, there was another person spending there Tuesdays with a guy named Morrie. What're the odds that someone else had a friend named Morrie and they spent their Tuesdays with him too. It was a Tuesday afternoon (obviously) that i was watching TV with my good chum Morrie and we seen a special about a guy named Morrie, you would have imagined our astonishment at the fact they were also publishing a book. When i actually read it i realized it had nothing to do with what me and Morrie were doing, in fact they were so far off i kinda thought they were wasting their Tuesdays, until i realized that in reality me and Morrie were the ones not doing anything. Ironically me and Morrie were their opposites in the sense that we weren't life changing go getter's dead set on making things better, hell if anything we were the opposite we encouraged each other to do less then what we were capable of, we were poster boys for underachievement. When we seen the dateline episode with the "Other" Morrie we instantly knew these guys were different from us and we laughed when we read what kind of professor the guy was. When the book came out we read it and thought we'd get some sort of kick out of it, but it really changed our perspective on things and put them in place. It made me think that i should really be puttin the brakes on slacking off and really get down to work so now i have a job and now ive got a new lease on life as does morrie, hes now the CEO of his own company, its not a big one but he can still bring it up in casual conversation. In conclusion i respect what Morrie and Mitch have done for their tuedays, but i won't take part in it entirely, there is certain kernal of truth to what they were doing, there is No such thing as "Too Late".